Saturday, February 22, 2014

RCYU#6 5th General Meeting

Hi there everyone. It's our 5th General Meeting on Saturday (22nd February 2014).We're lead by Doris Ley our Assistant Head Section Leader (Executive Board). Let us recall the activities that we had done on that Saturday morning :)

First Aid

So, our Quartermastering Board committee, Jane Ley was teaching
us First Aid course. Apart from Jane, Ivory Quek who
is at the Section Leader (Course & Training) committee board and Doris also taught us about how to use the bandage and how to use it for hand fracture,
how to tie reef knot and more.
This is how we open the bandage in a quick way.

Jane and Doris was teaching us how to use the bandage and the members were
concentrating with the First Aid course.

  • Then, there's a section letting all the members  to try out the skills of using the bandage during First Aid course. nAll the members seems so interested with it. Then the committee board also helped the new members when they had problem with the bandage. :D


  • About 9:20, we started our marching section. We separated into two class and each class have about 18-24 members. The classes that we're using were 1D and 1E. The members in 1E class was taught by Phua Lee Wei who is our Assistant Head Section Leader (Course and Training), Ivory Quek and Mervyn Wong. Beside, the members in 1D class was taught by Doris Ley. 

1E Class~

1D Class~

ERC Course

It's about 10:00 and Eve Goh who is the head of Quartermastering Board and Wen Hsia, our treasurer taught us about the ERC course. 

After a few minutes later, we got a quiz and Q&A for the members to see whether they still remembered what had been taught by the committees and the last week ERC course.

So, It's 10:30 a.m and it's time to end our general meeting. Hope you guys had learnt a lot of things from the committee and can handle the skill of using the bandage.
Thank you for viewing our blog.
See ya soon!!! ;D

Sunday, February 16, 2014

RCYU#6 4th General Meeting

There, there, here we are. It's 15th of February 2014 (Saturday) and we had our 4th general meeting today. There're some activities we had done today:
  • ERC (Education of Red Cross)
  • Marching
  • First Aid
  • Quiz for First Aid and ERC
It's happy to see that everyone was in time for the general meeting and with all their RC t-shirt. So, let's us have our recap on the activities that we had carried on :)

ERC (Education of Red Cross)


It's about 8:15, Kelly Liew, our Section Leader (Course & Training) had taught us the seniors and the juniors which is our new members the Form 1 students, about the history of Henry Dunant (1828-1910).

See!!! Everyone was so concentrating with the ERC lesson. Nobody play around 
and just focus :D

After the ERC lesson, Kelly had asked some question about
the history of Henry Dunant. Seems like all of them 
are very focus and can answered all the 
question that Kelly asked.

Marching (Kawad)

After our ERC lesson and it's about 9:15, we got our marching lesson.
Everyone was so happy when they heard they are going for kawad (LOL).
Then, our commander, Mervyn Wong taught us how to march. Pn Chin, our teacher in-charge, had asked us separate into two groups. The first group which is at the right (kanan) side, is the one withwho had the marching 

experience and on the left (kiri) side is the beginner.

The beginner side...
Everyone was queuing up in a line and wait to be command to separate
into one group with three person in a line.

The beginner was commanded by Catherine, our Head Section Leader.

Then, Catherine asked a F1 boy to be the assistant commander.
She taught him how to command and march.

Everyone was so concentrating with the marching lesson.
Hope they enjoy it :D

At the senior side...
So, at the senior side, it was commanded by Mervyn Wong.
Everyone was so concentrating with his command. No one dare to chit chat

and just focus under his command.

First Aid

There, it's time for our First Aid lesson. It's about 10:00 a.m, 
our Section Leader (Course & Training), Ivory Kuek, taught us about how to treat the
 shocking (Renjatan) patient.

So after the First Aid lesson, some of our member were called out
to fill in the blank best on the way how to treat the patient and what to do.
Everyone of them got all the answer correct. This shows that they are very focus and theyhad already learn the way how to treat the shocking patient. :)

       So it's 10:30 a.m. Our 4th general meeting had ended. Hope everyone enjoy during our general meeting and all those lesson. 
Thank you for viewing our blog :D 
See ya soon!!! :)